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International Learning Expedition “Best Practices of Corporate Education: Proactive Learning”

On October 20th-25th, 2013, MAKO will gather the leaders in education, corporate training and organizational development on the second open learning expedition dedicated to innovative learning formats. This time, Russian experts will exchange knowledge, experiences and best practices with their European counterparts in the Netherlands.  

The program will begin with the discussion of the new trends in education, including proactive training, with members of the Dutch Foundation for Corporate Universities (NSCU), which brings together the country's academic, commercial and government organizations to exchange experiences, organize and coordinate joint projects and research, and develop tools for corporate education.

During the next part of the trip the participants will visit Eindhoven — one of the leading innovation centers in Europe and 'the smartest region in the world' according to the Forbes magazine. The leaders of the professional community will talk about the 'Eindhoven miracle' — the transformation of the rural wilderness into the center of industry, victory over the economic crisis and subsequent rise to the heights of innovation.

The members of Russian delegation will be introduced to one of the fruits of Eindhoven evolution — High-Tech Campus founded on the basis of Philips Research Labs. In the ecosystem of more than 100 organizations, including Holst Center, Philips, ASML, Intel and IBM, innovative projects and new forms of cooperation between companies are being developed as a part of day-to-day routine.

The project's finale will take form of a visit to the annual Dutch Design Week festival, during which the participants will be introduced the basic principles of design thinking and the brilliant examples of the application of its tools to solving real-life business problems. In Eindhoven design is not just the creation of graphic images, but also development of adaptive organizational structures, creation of innovative programs, analysis of models of human behavior, development of corporate and urban environment and other aspects of corporate, social and cultural life.

Program Outcome:

  • Business links with leading European companies, learning providers and professional communities;
  • Familiarity with new proactive learning instruments;
  • Networking within MAKO professional community.

Partners of the Project: Dutch Foundation for Corporate Universities (NSCU), Summ()n.

Project Manager: Anna MINAEVA.

Download presentation “Best Practices in Corporate Education: Proactive Learning”

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