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International Learning Expedition “Best Middle Eastern T&D Practices”

In 2014 MAKO will organize an international learning expedition to Dubai for leading T&D experts in Russia. During the course of the trip the participants will become familiar with the best Middle Eastern HR practices as well as defining features and singularities of business communications of the Arabian Peninsula.

For many Russian organizations establishing contacts with the companies in the Gulf countries for many years has been an area of development. A completely different business environment, unfamiliar values within the business community, as well as cultural and ethical standards that differ from those adopted in Russia and in Europe often become obstacles to successful joint projects.

The participants will become acquainted the finer point of the Middle Eastern approach to HR management and the correlation between employees' values and the economic performance of the company during the workshop on local leaders' development of at the Medina Institute of Leadership and Entrepreneurship (MILE). The Russian delegates will learn all about effective communication with their Middle Eastern colleagues and network with market leaders.

Dubai is the largest city of the United Arab Emirates, a fascinating combination of age-old traditions with phenomenal economic performance and large-scale innovative projects. Like our country, the UAE is on the way from the 'oil needle' to the knowledge-based economy, and the challenges facing HR experts in Russia and the Middle East are very similar. Customized training formats and constant coaching support will allow the participants of the learning expedition to analyze and compare the best practices of domestic and foreign HR departments, to identify the most successful tools and apply them to solve problems within their own organizations.

Among the companies that present their own unique HR-cases:

  • Dubai Metro, the longest automated rail network in the world;
  • Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank, whose representatives will share their insights on the impact of cultural and religious practices in the national business environment;
  • Al-Futtaim Group, characterized by a highly developed culture of individual responsibility and autonomy of employees.

For more information and to sign up please contact Natalia MAYER head of International projects: avm@makonews.ru, (495) 788-37-41

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Download presentation "Best Practices in Corporate Education: Proactive Learning"

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